Environment, Health and Safety
Rana Gruber has a goal that environmental impacts from operations and production shall be minimal. The health and safety of our employees, customers, and partners are top priorities.
Rana Gruber is deeply committed to extract iron ore with diligent emphasis on avoiding emissions and leaving minimal environmental impact.
- The group’s operations are located close to the city of Mo i Rana, Norway, which implies stricter compliance of environmental requirements
- The group aims to eliminate fossil fuel transportation used in its operations
- According to the International Energy Agency, the location-based energy is based on 95 per cent renewable sources
- High utilisation of ore yields more environmentally friendly products
- Residual mineral sand with eco-friendly composition is disposed into the Rana fjord, in a monitored sea deposit
- There are no heavy metals in the iron ore and no chemicals are used in the beneficiation process
- Sustainable mining certification is currently in progress liaising with Norsk Bergindustri
The group has a long heritage of safe operations with minimal harm, leaks or injuries occurred:
- Emphasis on accident-free work environment based on proper and thorough training modules
- Established efforts and procedures to identify workplace hazards
- Best-in-class protective clothing and equipment
- Culture of reporting abnormal situations or incidents
- Company handbook delivered to all employees detailing safety routines
- Annual job environment survey and appraisal interviews
- Lunched and supported initiatives such as science centre in cooperation with NTNU, Sintef, etc.
- The group has had no serious injuries for the last 10 years
- The group has low turnover of employees
- The group supports sports, culture and local community
Rana Gruber has a strong focus on operating in the interest of all shareholders:
- Part of an industrial cluster with a strong emphasis on sustainability and future-proof solutions
- High standards of governance and business conduct
- Focus on ethics and anti-corruption. The group has clearly defined anti-corruption policies for the company and its subsidiaries
- Strong cooperation with unions, neighbors and local industry to preserve stakeholder incentives
- Several certifications granted with regards to quality management
- Close cooperation with Direktoratet for Mineralforvaltning (The Directorate of Mining) and Miljødirektoratet (Norwegian Environment Agency). The group reports to both these agencies on an annual basis.
- ISO9001 compliant with ISO 14001 reporting standard in progress