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Annual General meeting 2025

Rana Gruber’s highest decision-making body is the group of shareholders at the annual general meeting. All shareholders have the right to participate in the general meetings of the company. It follows from Rana Gruber’s corporate governance principles that the board of directors shall facilitate the participation of as many shareholders as possible at the general meeting, so that they can exercise their rights.

The annual general meeting in Rana Gruber ASA (the “Company”) will be held on 11 April 2025 at 13:00 CEST.

The notice to the annual general meeting with appendices and related documents are enclosed and available at our webiste.

The annual general meeting will be held electronically through Lumi. For virtual participation, please use this link:
Reference and PIN codes to the meeting are available on VPS Investor Services (at or on the proxy and advance voting forms attached to the notice that are sent to shareholders. Shareholders who have received their reference number and PIN code by post may cast their advance votes here

Shareholders may also vote in advance or give proxy by 9 April 2025 at 16:00 CEST, please see the proxy and advance voting forms attached to the notice and further information on the Company’s website.

Download relevant general meeting documents:

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